Due to unforeseen circumstances, we regret to inform you, that the THIRD EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE on Bioengineering, Biomaterials, and Biomedicine has been postponed.
It will be rescheduled to a future date at the end of Summer 2016.
on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Biomedicine
to be held in Istanbul, April 11-13, 2016
The Paris summit of the “Barcelona Process: Union of the Mediterranean” emphasizes commitment to multi-aspect Euro- Mediterranean Partnerships and dialogue. Central to such a commitment is collaboration in potential educational and scientific endeavors.
In response to the demands of this new area of potential regional and intra-cultural collaboration, a group of regional scholars along with their hosting institutes initiated the “Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Bioengineering and Biomaterials” EMCBB. The first conference of the series was hosted by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM – Meknes, Morocco & LTDS/ENISE/ECL) in March of 2009. We decide to promote scientific dialogue and transdisciplinary research in the bio-medical Clinical Investigations.
After a second edition held in Fès (Morroco July 4 2012), we are happy to announce the third edition with a new acronym EMC3B which expresses this trandisciplinarity. Submissions are invited, from researchers and clinicians, which address any current issues in the fields and discuss potential solutions and opportunities for future research.
The THIRD EURO-MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Biomedicine will be held at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty (Gümüşsuyu Campus) of ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, which is located at the heart of Istanbul.